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Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 1
Edition 09.2007
Coupling stations and connectors from wiring harness set
Overview of coupling stations and connectors from wiring harness set
1 -  Coupling station on right of A-pillar
q   Pin connectors: -T6p-, -T6q-, -T10q-, -T10r-, -T10s-, -T10y-, -T17c-
q   Location up to July 2004 → page 806/3
q   Location from August 2004 → page 806/4
2 -  Coupling station seat wiring front passenger side
q   Pin connectors: -T3d-, -T6e-, -T8c-, -T10p-
q   Location → page 806/5
3 -  Coupling station seat wiring driver side
q   Pin connectors: -T3c-, -T6d-, -T8b-, -T10o-
q   Location → page 806/5


Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 2
4 -  Coupling station on left of A-pillar
q   Pin connectors: -T6b-, -T6r-, -T10c-, -T10d-, -T10i-, -T10k-, -T17-, -T17a-, -T17b-, -T17f-, -T17g-,
q   Location → page 806/6
5 -  Coupling station with screw connection
q   Pin connectors: -T6c-, -T10-, -T10a-, -T10n-, -T17d-, -T17e- , -T17j-
q   Location up to July 2004 → page 806/7
q   Location from August 2004 → page 806/8


Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 3
Coupling station on right of A-pillar, up to July 2004
bottom right, behind the trim
Pin connectors:
13 -  10-pin connector, violet -T10q-
13 -  6-pin connector, violet -T6p-
14 -  10-pin connector, brown -T10r-
14 -  6-pin connector, brown -T6q-
15 -  17-pin connector, red -T17c-
17 ¹) -  10-pin connector, blue -T10s-
¹) applicable up to model year 2002

Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 4
Coupling station on right of A-pillar, from August 2004
bottom right, behind the trim
Pin connectors:
11 -  10-pin connector, violet -T10q-
12 -  10-pin connector, brown -T10r-
13 -  6-pin connector, violet -T6p-
14 -  6-pin connector, violet -T6q-
15 -  17-pin connector, red -T17c-
16 -  10-pin connector, blue -T10y-

Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 5
Coupling station seat wiring driver side
under driver seat
Pin connectors:
1 -  3-pin connector, yellow -T3c-
2 -  10-pin connector, red -T10o-
3 -  6-pin connector, green -T6d-
4 -  8-pin connector, black -T8b-
Coupling station seat wiring front passenger side
Under front passenger seat
Pin connectors:
1 -  3-pin connector, yellow -T3d-
2 -  10-pin connector, red -T10p-
3 -  6-pin connector, green -T6e-
4 -  8-pin connector, black -T8c-

Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 6
Coupling station on left of A-pillar
Left bottom, behind trim
Pin connectors:
8 -  10-pin connector, blue -T10i-
9 -  17-pin connector, brown -T17g-
10 -  17-pin connector, orange -T17f-
11 -  6-pin connector, brown -T6b- ¹)
11 -  6-pin connector, brown -T6r- ²)
12 -  10-pin connector, white -T10k-
13 -  10-pin connector, violet -T10c-
14 -  10-pin connector, grey -T10d-
15 -  17-pin connector, green -T17b-
16 -  17-pin connector, red -T17a-
17 -  17-pin connector, black -T17-
¹) applicable from model year 2002
²) applicable from model year 2003

Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 7
Coupling station with screw connection, up to July 2004
In electronics box in plenum chamber
Pin connectors:
1 -  10-pin connector, black -T10-
2 -  10-pin connector, brown -T10a-
3 -  17-pin connector, red -T17d-
4¹) -  6-pin connector, orange -T6c-
5¹) -  10-pin connector, blue -T10n-
5²) -  17-pin connector, white -T17e-
6 ¹) -  17-pin connector, white -T17e-
¹) applicable up to model year 2001
²) applicable from model year 2002

Audi A4 Fitting Locations No.  806 / 8
Coupling station with screw connection, from August 2004
In electronics box in plenum chamber
Pin connectors:
2 -  17-pin connector, brown -T17j-
3 -  17-pin connector, red -T17d-
6 -  17-pin connector, white -T17e-

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